Sunday, September 27, 2015


I remember being a very little girl when I received one of my first Bibles. It was a little pink Bible, given to me by my grandparents. My sister got one too, and the two of us were so excited about it. I still have it today, and sometimes I look at it and remember reading through it, still learning what it all meant. I wonder what would have happened if my grandparents hadn't given me that Bible and hadn't been the Christian influences they were throughout my childhood.

With those same Bibles, my dad used to come into our bedroom every night before bed and read them with us. He read us the Lord's Prayer, the 23rd Psalm, and the Beatitudes. He would help us memorize them one by one until we could say them by heart. Looking back, I can't believe I was able to memorize scripture when I was that young, but I did, and I still remember them today. I wonder what would have happened if he hadn't taken the time to show us these Scriptures and read the Bible with us.

My mother took time to plant the Scripture in our lives, too. Every morning before school, she would write notes for us and put them in our lunch boxes, each one with a different verse. I still have a few of them that I saved, stowed away in my desk. I wonder how many days would have been different if my mother hadn't done that.

Growing up, I had several Christian influences that have affected who I am today. These are things that they might think I have forgotten about, but I haven't. The truth is, people don't forget the things you do for them, whether they are big or small. I remember learning verses, learning Sunday school songs, reading handwritten notes in elementary school. At the time, I didn't realize what was happening, but looking back, I see it now - how these influences shaped my future and shaped my view of who God is. These were seeds that they planted - tiny seeds that are now grown into full plants, thriving as I move into adulthood. When I look at them, I see who I could have become compared to who I am, and I see now what I am supposed to do.

As Christians, we are called to lead people to Christ. This is a daunting task, considering the world we live in today where Christians are persecuted and mocked for their faith. Part of the problem is that most of us do not know how to defend our faith in a way that stands up to other views of the world. But another part of the problem is that we do not live in a way that mirrors Christ - we do not plant seeds as we should.

Yes, leading people to Christ does include witnessing and spreading the Gospel the way missionaries and pastors do. But you do not have to be a missionary or a pastor to lead people to Christ. A major part of this involves simply leading by example and planting seeds as we go, leaving a path behind us that people can see Jesus in.

We need to plant seeds of kindness, putting in the extra effort to show people love like my mother did. Simple acts of kindness make a world of difference for believers and non-believers alike. We need to influence other believers like my father did, teaching them and helping them grow stronger in their faith and in the areas they struggle in. We need to be generous and lead by example the way my grandparents did, giving others the tools needed to follow Christ, as well as using them in our daily lives.
Now, I teach Sunday school at my church to a large group of (very) energetic four-year-olds. While these kids teach me a lot themselves, I know that they learn a lot from me and other adults at the church as well, just by watching us. Everything I do is something they learn from. Every week, they recite memory verses to me and sing Bible songs, and I pray that they never lose the foundation they are receiving, that the things they are learning now follow them as they grow up. I pray that one day they are able to realize how fortunate they were to grow up with parents who take them to church and are raising them the way they are. But above all, I pray that I am a good example for them - I pray that I am a good example everywhere I go, for people young and old, and that the seeds I plant in the lives of others are the kind that they will be thankful for once they are fully grown. At school, at work, at home - this is how we should live. Striving for Christ, leading by example, loving with kindness. Our lives are our testament to Christ, no matter where we are or what we are doing.

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